Enhance Southwest Decor With Beautifully Hand-painted Mexican Pottery

Enhance Southwest Decor With Beautifully Hand-painted Mexican Pottery

Mexican potteryMexican pottery is very popular throughout the Southwestern United States. Collectors and home decorators love using colorful pieces of Mexican pottery when decorating a home with Southwest style.

Adding pieces of colorful pottery to your decor is an excellent way to enhance southwestern or Spanish style throughout your home, without having to do a lot of redecorating. A beautiful vase set on an entrance table, or several hand-painted plates hung on a wall, will bring your rooms to life with vibrant color.

When traveling through the states of Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and California, one will often see the use of colorful Mexican pottery in the decorating styles of restaurants, offices, stores and homes. From ornately designed fountains, wall plaques and figurines, to small salsa bowls and salt shakers, this style of pottery has many different uses.

A beautiful bowl set on top of a Southwestern rug or runner, or a large vase placed on a rustic table and filled with colorful flowers, will create a gorgeous focal point and will add to the look you are trying to create. If you are looking for an easy and inexpensive way to create a Southwest style home, or to enhance existing rustic decor, you will love the vibrancy and intricate design of beautifully hand-painted Mexican pottery. 

See our Tarahumara Indian & Mexican Pottery gallery here.

Feb 19th 2016 Mission Del Rey

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