Mission Del Rey Blog
Southwest Decorating Made Easy: Rawhide Lamp Shades And Southwestern Rugs
Because you want your southwest home decor to be interesting as well as beautiful, make your rooms say something. Give them life with rawhide lamp shades, Native American style baskets and pottery or southwest rugs. Keep all ornamentation or rustic accessories subservient to the lines that your room naturally creates. Try to imagine how you want each room to look when completed. For example, light or dark rawhide shades on rustic lamps can make a dramatic impression. Get the picture we
Mar 16th 2016
3 Ways To Use Native American Handcrafts For Southwest Decor
Southwestern decorating is
easy to achieve with a few key items and a little creativity. To create the style of southwestern charm you
see in designer magazines, consider incorporating authentic Native American
handcrafts into your decor. You will love the look of a large powwow drum used
as a coffee table, or how a buffalo skull, adorned with feathers and turquoise,
gives your home a true southwestern feel.Because Native American
designs can also be found on throws, bedding, curtains and
Feb 25th 2016
Use Southwestern Painted Hides To Create An Amazing Rustic Focal Point
Native Indians love to produce painted hides depicting traditional events of life itself. Tribesmen and women paint different elements according to their particular environments. Women traditionally create abstract designs, and men create pictures that really describe the tough lifestyle that they endure. The raw materials used to create painted hides are provided by many different animals including elk, deer and buffalo. Rawhide is often selected for utilitarian purposes, while
Feb 5th 2016
Use Painted Drums For Creative Expression
Painting drums with Indian art is a fascinating activity. As you can see from our website we offer a variety of painted drums that reflect many different images from Native American life and nature. We are often asked how to paint a drum by those in Native American circles. While selecting a personal drum that is painted is easiest for most people, it can also be very fulfilling to customize a drum yourself. Get creative and express yourself, letting your drum painting please you. To a
Feb 3rd 2016
Hang A Beautiful Dream Catcher For Great Southwest Style
One of the most symbolic items of the Native American people
is the dream catcher. It is believed
that a dream catcher placed above the area where one sleeps, will filter out the
bad dreams while permitting the good dreams to flow through.When dreams flow though a dream catcher, the good dreams
enter the hole in the center, and flow down the feathers to the person sleeping
below. Bad dreams are caught in the
webbing, and released with the rising of the sun.Dream catchers have come to be
Jan 22nd 2016